You’ve seen them, Real estate agents’ websites that you visit and think, “This website was built in 1998.” The images are distended, there’s a weird solid background color or some of the text is in comic sans font. These are the worst forms of website abuse in Miami Real Estate Marketing.
But there are other mistakes agents and brokers frequently make on their sites, even brand new, modern-looking ones. And most often these mistakes fall under the category of “missed opportunity.”
Here are the best ways to capitalize on visits to your website:
Get their email address
The worst thing that can happen is that someone comes to your site and then disappears, perhaps forever, without you knowing who they are. As Alec Baldwin says, “A guy don’t walk on the lot lest he wants to buy.” Make sure your email signup form is prominently featured and includes an inviting call to action.
Videos work
Real estate listings with videos receive a 403 percent greater response rate than listings without videos. Your website should be easily equipped to upload videos so that it’s not a hassle to include as many as you possibly can.
Give good information
Inaccurate or out-of-date information can really spoil somebody’s experience. That includes phone numbers, listings, images, floorplans and everything else. Even a blog that hasn’t been updated in three years can suggest to visitors you’ve packed up and quit.
Be a presence on your site
There’s evidence that more than half of traffic to certain websites goes to the biography page. That tells you what visitors are interested in, and it suggests people are more likely to reach out to you if they know who you are. Having a picture of yourself looking friendly, along with a short biography, can go a long way.
Now, if your website is really 1998-style bad, you may need more help than this blog post. To learn more about what we have to offer, call for a free consultation at 305-705-5000.